
Get Involved in these Mandela Day Activities in Cape Town

freedom day

Mandela Day is special in South Africa and takes place on 18 July, Nelson Mandela’s birthday. It’s a tradition to spend 67 minutes (which reflects Mandela’s 67 years of service to South Africa) trying to make the world a better place. This day is celebrated globally since Madiba’s 90th birthday, when he gave a speech telling the world, “it’s in your hands now”.

There are loads of volunteering opportunities, significant sites to visit, and special events taking place to honour the legacy of the man who was at the forefront of leading our young democracy out of apartheid. Read on to get some ideas on how to spend Mandela Day in Cape Town.

Pack Food Parcels

Take 67 minutes of your day to pack food parcels with FoodForward SA. Food security was a key issue to Nelson Mandela who believed that with the right motivation there would be enough for all. Despite his efforts in fighting against the monumental challenge of food insecurity, many still go hungry. Packing and distributing food parcels not only helps feed people healthy, nutritious meals, it also creates awareness and places the issue at the forefront of the national agenda. They will be running three sessions at the FoodForward SA warehouse in Lansdowne, Cape Town. Book your spot on Webtickets to participate.


Help Boost Literacy Skills      

It is well known that children’s education is one of the key drivers of The Nelson Mandela Foundation! That’s why Starting Chance has dedicated the entire month to their Nelson Mandela Day Campaign. You can sponsor a book with donations starting at just R67 or help contribute to their awe-inspiring workshops which assist parents and teachers in facilitating key language and literacy skills in children. 


Knit-along with GeKnit Dit Met Tracey Lange 

Join Tracey Lange of KFM in knitting or buying some warm winter items for those in need. We all know winter in Cape Town can be tough, KFM will distribute your creations (or purchases) to those who need it most. Get the grandparents involved and make it an awesome way to spend some quality time with the elderly.  Find more info at or search #GeknitDitMetTraceyLange on social media.

Drop off your donations at Kenilworth Centre, N1 City Mall, Hendrik Louw Primary, Wynberg Girls Primary, or Hoërskool Bellville.

Pack or Sponsor Stationery Boxes with Pebbles Project

Pebbles Project is asking you to sponsor a child with stationery this Mandela Day. Visit their social media pages to find out exactly what they need. Boxes range from R250-R400 each and you’ll know exactly who your contribution will be received by, so contact them to assist in packing or make a donation and they will purchase and pack on your behalf.


Ladles of Love

Ladles of Love is seeking volunteers for an array of activities this Mandela Day to assist in various needs related to Early Childhood Development. All you have to do is purchase your ticket over at Webtickets and show up to the picturesque Oranjezicht City Farm Market where Ladles of Love will provide you with everything you need to get crafting.


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Cape Town Tourism is the city of Cape Town's official Regional Tourism Organisation, responsible for tourism marketing, visitor and industry services.

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