Smoothie On the Go
Brought together by the idea of creating a business that will serve good, tasty smoothies and summer
drinks yet educate the people on being aware about what we consume, and how it can have an effect in
our system and long term health.
We cater for all age groups, but our clients are normally split from the after-school kids coming for our
wide selection of ice-cream to the much-matured ones there for a hot cup of coffee or a cold freshly
made smoothie . ‘Smoothie on The Go’ is in the heart of cape town facing the entrance of Comp as by
Gardens cape town, by parliament and national library with the pathway of the local tourist and nearby
school children.
We have set a few chairs for those not in a rush to enjoy their beverages in peace and to be a gateway to
socialise with the coming people or your friends, for since our growth we have aimed to bring people
together through the drinks we make; to create a conversation on the taste qualities and the health
benefits of the drink one will have.
We hope to be a topic that the city will constantly talk or think about when words like ‘fresh’ and
‘smoothie’ are mentioned, for our journey is of growth. Coming from just operating from a stand to now
having ownership of a trailers that can be placed anywhere in cape town depending on the event at
hand and the, and I still believe that if our history is brought up it only shows that our business has had a
positive projection due to our increase in customer interaction. Once you start creating the education
system you notice that it grows to the point that our customers stand as our ambassadors why letting
their friends and family know about the good health benefits of the things we consume.
Central City
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