ATKV Goudini Spa
Make yourself at home in a spacious, fully-equipped 4-bed rondavel or a duplex flat. Each unit is equipped with a television, microwave as well as cooking and barbeque facilities.
Guests can also get up close and personal with their natural surroundings in the caravan park where they have access to a power outlet and neat ablution block.
If you’re looking for something a little more luxurious, book into the Boland complex and enjoy added benefits such as covered parking, a private beach pool and lapa. The Boland complex also includes a large conference room and business facilities, perfect for large groups and company tours.
- Natural hot springs
- Family-friendly activities and entertainment
- Waterslides and swimming pools
- Tennis, volleyball, pool and a game arcade
- Amenities include a TV, microwave, cooking and barbeque facilities
Beyond the City
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