
Bryte Insurance Company

Bryte is the premier, proactive business risk specialist in Southern Africa.

Applying our unparalleled sector insights, proven expertise and foresight, we partner with customers and brokers to protect their businesses and improve their risk profile across the continent.

At Bryte, we approach customer risk with purpose, proactively working with brokers and customers to enable better risk decisions. We understand that owners of establishments in the hospitality industry are focused on their customers and the service they provide and not necessarily on whether their insurance will adequately cover them should something go wrong. That’s why we help to manage risk by tailoring comprehensive solutions designed specifically for the hospitality sector.

We provide a full business solution for our customers’ assets, business interruption to protect the tangible side of the business and liability cover that is suited to this type of business. We serve customers across every hospitality niche. As a result, we know that running a hospitality business is about providing a quality product and an experience that exceeds expectations.


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