4Roomed eKasi Culture
With the aim of bridging the economic gap that exists in South Africa, Abigail Mbalo, a Dental Technologist turned cook/ Chef”,opened the door to a culinary experience offered in the township of Khayelitsha - focusing on two dining experiences.
Maskhoz Mas’Damme fine dining- where township cuisine is prepared with methods and techniques that elevate the flavours whilst offering theatre on a plate. They tell their township stories through food. The Maskhoz Mas’Damme fine dining offering goes from a 5-course up to a 10-course experience with a minimum of 10 guests to a maximum of 30 guests. This experience must be booked in advance - up to 7 days before the required date.
Mphako|Padkos|Mofao is casual dining where a 3-course culinary experience is inspired by foods mostly found in the townships and coupled with influences of other South African cultures found there. These are stories told with each and every plate of food and show how our South African heritage is interlinked.
The Mphako|Padkos|Mofao casual dining 3-course culinary experience is offered every Friday to Sunday - bookings for large groups are essential, while no more than 3 walk-ins can be accommodated if space allows.
- Great Food
- Innovative lifestyle ideas
- Beautiful home decor & art
Cape Flats
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